Reviewer Guidelines


Does the paper relate to a cohesive argument? Are ideas presented?



Does the title characterize the manuscript? Is the writing concise and easy to follow?



What piece of paper should be expanded? REMOVED? Thick? Summarized? Combined?



Is the title concise, omitting implied terms and, where possible, a statement of the main results or conclusions presented in the text? Abbreviations should be avoided in titles.



Does the abstract consist of 1) research objectives; 2) method; 3) results or findings; and 4) conclusion?



Explain clearly and each:

Research background;

State-of-the-art, relevant research to justify the novelty of the manuscript;

Gap analysis, new statement;

Hypothesis or problem statement (optional);

Approach to solving problems; and

Study objectives.



Methods are written clearly so that other researchers can replicate experiments or studies with the same results ;

It not only describes the definition of terms but also describes how to conduct research;

Describe the location, participants, research instruments, and data analysis;


Results and Discussion

The presented data has been processed (not raw) into tables or figures and given a supporting description so that it is easy to follow.

Results relate to the original question or objective outlined in the Introduction section.

The author explains that research results are consistent with what other researchers have reported or there are differences.

The author provides a scientific interpretation of the results or findings presented.

The author explains the implications of the research.

The author describes the limitations of the research or lack of methods or positions.

The author describes the need/field for further research or expansion of ideas.



Consist of:

Responding to research objectives;

Implications or recommendations (optional);

Written in paragraphs, not with bullets/numbering.